Healing the world...

Consolidation of all the helping associations and foundations across the world into a unified front aimed at eliminating all the scourges on this earth - sharing our wealth - and bringing equality to all people across the globe.

The Organization (from G3 Vision page)

The Largest Humanitarian Fund in the World

                  • Norah Jones channeling funding from Entertainment Sector
                  • Tiger Woods channeling funding from Sporting Sector
                  • Tony Robbins channeling funding from Private Sector
                  • Bill Gates channeling funding from Business Sector
                  • Joel Osteen channeling funding from Religious Sector

All proceeds will be turned over to Stephen Bronfman to fulfill my prophecy to him: 'The world will pour out its riches into your lap for redistribution by you to end all scourges on this earth and to bring about equality for all.'

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